Friday, December 5, 2008

Advent Conspiracy

I've been meaning to write a post on Advent Conspiracy for a couple of weeks now, but haven't found the time. So before the Christmas season gets completely away from me, I'm writing at least a little.

First, watch this:

Thought-provoking, yes?

I've, thankfully, never put myself in debt over Christmas. I have, however, stressed out, spent more than I should have, and not taken time to really enjoy the holiday and ponder what it means.

Worship fully.
Spend less.
Give more.
Love all.

I love this, and I couldn't put it more concisely or effectively than they already have. This is what I want this Christmas, and for Christmases to come.

Check out Advent Conspiracy, and take a look at their charity of choice, Living Water International. With so many people around the world living without something as simple as clean drinking water, our own lives, even in the midst of a difficult economic situation, seem so privileged, even extravagant. Imagine what we could do if we took just a little less for ourselves, and gave just a little more to the least of these.

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